Revolution Festival is the school of communism in Britain, aimed at training a revolutionary leadership in the ideas of Marxism and the methods of class struggle.
The world market, under the pressure of capitalist crisis, is shrinking. The imperialists all over the world are sharpening their knives in order to defend the markets, spheres of influence, and profits of their multinational corporations. This is the fundamental cause of war under the capitalist system.
In 2023, global defence spending rose by 9% to a total of $2.2 trillion a year.
In Britain, in the last year alone, defence spending rose by 7.9%. This is compared to the 1.2% cut in healthcare planned for 2024, the biggest real-terms cut to health spending since the 1970s.
Since 2008, the British government has licenced arms worth over £574 million to Israel. Since October last year, The RAF has flown more than 200 ‘spy missions’ over Gaza; aiding the levelling of homes, schools, hospitals, and universities. All the while, we are told that there is no money to build or repair houses, schools, hospitals, or universities at home.
This rank hypocrisy is resulting in a wide-spread anger across Britain. Millions of workers and youth are being radicalised. They are looking for a fighting lead against militarism and imperialism. The call for revolution is on the rise.
But, as Lenin remarked, ‘without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.’ It is the duty of communists to steel themselves in Marxist theory, and to connect the burning anger in society to the need to overthrow the root cause of exploitation, imperialism and war: the capitalist system.
Get your ticket to the Revolution Festival below, and help build the revolutionary leadership in Britain with the RCP.
The crisis of capitalism is resulting in is renewed tensions between the imperialist powers. They are sharpening their knives to defend the profits, markets, and spheres of influence of their multinational corporations. Defence spending is on the rise all over the world, while the masses everywhere suffer attacks on living standards to foot the war bill. This is provoking social unrest and upheaval in one country after another.
In this opening session, Alan Woods, acclaimed Marxist author and member of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, will discuss the perspectives for the period we are entering — one of not only war, but revolution.
Speaker: Alan Woods
Room: The Light
The crisis of capitalism is resulting in is renewed tensions between the imperialist powers. They are sharpening their knives to defend the profits, markets, and spheres of influence of their multinational corporations. Defence spending is on the rise all over the world, while the masses everywhere suffer attacks on living standards to foot the war bill. This is provoking social unrest and upheaval in one country after another.
In this opening session, Alan Woods, acclaimed Marxist author and member of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, will discuss the perspectives for the period we are entering — one of not only war, but revolution.
Speaker: Alan Woods
Room: The Light
This year has borne witness to one of the most turbulent presidential elections in US history. Regardless of which candidate takes office, the world’s largest imperialist power is staring down the barrel of crisis, threatening the world economy with further shocks and instability.
Antonio Balmer, leading member of the Revolutionary Communists of America and editor of The Communist (USA), will introduce a discussion on the next chapter of the crisis of US capitalism.
Speaker: Antonio Balmer
Room: The Light
Founded on the ideas of Marx and Engels, the Second International was the first mass International of the working class. However, the majority of its leaders went on to betray the cause for socialism, supporting their imperialists in the First World War. Lenin committed himself to a ruthless theoretical struggle against these chauvinists, culminating in the collapse of the Second and formation of the new Communist International.
In this session, Fred Weston, member of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, will discuss Lenin, the First World War, and the collapse of the Second International.
Speaker: Fred Weston
Room: Sarah Fell
The last 100 years have seen British imperialism go from an empire spanning a third of the worlds surface to a second rate power, clinging onto the coat-tails of US imperialism, often against its own national interests. What, then, is the role of British imperialism today?
Ben Gliniecki, General Secretary of the RCP, will introduce a discussion on this question.
Speaker: Ben Gliniecki
Room: Waldo Williams
Written by Lenin in August-September 1917, The State and Revolution provides a definitive presentation of the Marxist theory of the state. Written in Lenin’s characteristically clear and incisive style, this book is a cornerstone of revolutionary Marxism.
Grace Dowswell, Central Committee member for the RCP, will introduce a discussion on this seminal Marxist text.
Speaker: Grace Dowswell
Room: Ada Salter
As British capitalism’s first colony, imperialism cut its teeth in Ireland. The domination of Ireland by British capitalists, landlords, and financiers resulted in untold horrors; from the artificial famine of the 1840s and 50s, to the war for national liberation, through to the murder of unarmed civilians on Bloody Sunday.
In this session, Shaun Morris, Executive Committee member of the RCP, will discuss the cruel legacy of British imperialism in Ireland.
Speaker: Shaun Morris
Room: Benjamin Lay
The ongoing genocide in Gaza reveals the real, brutal face of capitalism. The maniacal Netanyahu regime continues its onslaught against the Palestinian people, with the backing of US imperialism. But why is this genocide taking place? Why has it been allowed to go on for so long?
In this session, Khaled Malachi, regional organiser for the RCP in London, will discuss why there is a genocide in Gaza, and what can be done by communists in Britain to bring down any government that supports it.
Speaker: Khaled Malachi
Room: The Light
2024 marks 30 years since the end of apartheid in South Africa. The struggle against apartheid was a revolutionary struggle that inspired people all over the world — but the truth of this struggle is buried by myths, misrepresentations, and ‘great men’ theories. In most cases, little is known about the powerful action of the working class coming into direct confrontation with the apartheid state. This session will unearth the true history of the movement, and seek to draw out the most vital lessons.
Fiona Lali, Executive Committee member of the RCP, will discuss how South African apartheid was overthrown.
Speaker: Fiona Lali
Room: Sarah Fell
War is neither a result of mistake or madness — as the military tactician, Clausewitz, explained it is “the continuation of politics by other means.” Today, war is fundamentally waged by the capitalists to defend their profits, markets, and spheres of influence. As long as capitalism exists, there will be no end to war. In this session,
Lotta Angantyr, Executive Committee member of the RCP, will introduce a discussion on how to fight imperialism.
Speaker: Lotta Angantyr
Room: Waldo Williams
From the ideas of early primitive humans in their struggle for survival, to the emergence of class society and the ideas of the ancient Greeks, through to the philosophical conquests of Hegel, and later Marx and Engels — the thread of philosophical development can be traced throughout human history.
This session will explore that history, and the role philosophy plays in the struggle for a new world.
Speaker: TBC
Room: Ada Salter
What is value? This question has perplexed the human mind for more than 2,000 years. The classical bourgeois economists grappled with the question, as did Marx.
Nelson Wan will discuss Marx’s completion of the Labour Theory of Value, and provide a defence of his economic ideas against attacks from modern day critics.
Speaker: Nelson Wan
Room: Benjamin Lay
Today, Bangladesh is glowing with the white heat of revolution. The masses have once more entered the arena of struggle. They are rediscovering a rich revolutionary tradition that goes back decades. Really, the tasks of this revolution are the unfinished tasks of an unfinished revolution, which began more than fifty years ago and culminated in the War of Independence against the domination of Pakistan in 1971. Learning the lessons of that period is vital to not only understanding the present, but to ensuring that the revolutionary struggle today is carried forward to victory.
Will Collins, Central Committee member of the RCP, will introduce the discussion.
Speaker: Will Collins
Room: The Light
The ruling class all over the world has used racism to divide and conquer. They have used it as a tool to justify subjugation, slavery, war and genocide. It is whipped up by the likes of Keir Starmer, in his attempt to scapegoat migrants to blame them for the crisis of capitalism — fuelling far-right pogroms in the process. De-colonialist academics suggest that, to fight the real, physical threat of racism, it is enough to dismantle racist language and ideas.
In this session, Hamid Alizadeh, member of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, will introduce a discussion on how to really fight racism, by the methods of class struggle.
Speaker: Hamid Alizadeh
Room: Sarah Fell
Dialectical materialism is the philosophy of Marxism. Every political movement bases itself, consciously or unconsciously, on some sort of philosophy or world outlook. Marxism is concerned with radically changing society, and therefore requires an exceptionally clear and thoroughgoing set of philosophical principles. It is not a fixed dogma but a system of tools and general principles for analysing the world materialistically and scientifically.
In this session, Jack Halinski-Fitzpatrick will introduce the basic tenets of dialectical materialism.
Speaker: Jack Halinski-Fitzpatrick
Room: Waldo Williams
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the greatest event in human history. The oppressed didn’t just rise up, but they also took power and held on to it. But under enormous pressure, by the end of the 1920s, the workers’ state had degenerated into what Trotsky termed a deformed workers’ state. By the early 1990s the USSR had collapsed.
In this session, Jack Tye Wilson will trace the history and features of the Russian Revolution and the USSR to assess how far it can be described as ‘communist’ and what the experience can teach us about our struggle for communism Today.
Speaker: Jack Tye Wilson
Room: Ada Salter
Oppressed by all forms of class society, women have played revolutionary role throughout history; from the English Revolution, to the Great French Revolution, to the Russian revolution of 1917, all the way to the struggles of today.
In this session, Manon Powrie will explore the roots of women’s oppression, and how to fight for liberation.
Speaker: Manon Powrie
Room: Benjamin Lay
Schools are collapsing, universities are going bankrupt, and millions of students and children are living in poverty. Teachers, professors, and support staff are seeing their wages eroded, with some forced to use food banks to keep up with the rising cost of living. All the while, our politicians fork out billions on bombs, and university bosses rake in a fortune through their ties to the Israeli war machine. We are living in an epoch of rising imperialist war, and we are expected to pay the price.
In this session, Fiona Lali, Executive Committee member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, will the struggle to end imperialism through the overthrow of the capitalist system.
Speaker: Fiona Lali
Room: The Light
Schools are collapsing, universities are going bankrupt, and millions of students and children are living in poverty. Teachers, professors, and support staff are seeing their wages eroded, with some forced to use food banks to keep up with the rising cost of living. All the while, our politicians fork out billions on bombs, and university bosses rake in a fortune through their ties to the Israeli war machine. We are living in an epoch of rising imperialist war, and we are expected to pay the price.
In this session, Fiona Lali, Executive Committee member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, will the struggle to end imperialism through the overthrow of the capitalist system.
Speaker: Fiona Lali
Room: The Light
Art has accompanied us throughout the history of our species. While it has its own laws of development, the history of art also reflects the fundamental, revolutionary changes that have shaped human society.
In this session, Alan Woods, renowned Marxist author and member of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, will examine some of the great revolutions in art and society, and the role of art in the emancipation of the working class.
Speaker: Alan Woods
Room: The Light
The February Revolution brought an end to the blood-soaked Tsarist Empire. For the first few months, confusion reigned in Bolshevik party, most of whom failed to understand the limits of the Provisional Government; its interests opposed to the masses that brought it to power. In his April Theses, Lenin was able to theoretically re-arm the Party to connect it to the downtrodden masses, leading them to power in October.
Olivia Rickson, Central Committee member for the RCP, will introduce this discussion on Lenin and the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Speaker: Olive Ruadh
Room: Sarah Fell
The Labour Party was the world’s first mass party of the trade unions and working class, formed in the heated struggles at the turn of the 20th Century. Enshrined in its original aims was the fight for common ownership of the means of production — the fight for socialism. With over a century passed since its first government, questions must be asked: Why has the Labour Party failed to achieve its original goal? Did the its leadership ever really represent the interests of the working class?
With the return of a right-wing Labour government this year, James Kilby will discuss the history of Labour in power: From 1924 to today.
Speaker: James Kilby
Room: Hilda Clarke
50 years ago, after the long post-war boom, the world economy experienced its first truly global crisis. Falling output and spiralling inflation combined to devastate the working class. Today, capitalism faces similar turmoil. It must be overthrown.
In this session, Adam Booth will discuss the post-war boom and the crisis of 1973-75, and the lessons for revolutionaries in the fight to overthrow capitalism today.
Speaker: Adam Booth
Room: Ada Salter
Leon Trotsky, in analysing the situation in Russia following the failed 1905 revolution, came to his theory of the permanent revolution. With the national bourgeois of colonial countries tied hand-and-foot to their imperialist pay-masters, only the working class can lead the fight against imperialism, colonialism, and landlordism. This, in turn, must be part of a world revolution against capitalism.
In this session, Jorge Martin, member of the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International and editor of América Socialista, will introduce this session on Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution.
Speaker: Jorge Martin
Room: Benjamin Lay
The question of human consciousness has become increasingly relevant with the rise of artificial intelligence. Modern technological advances have raised the idea of creating machines capable of thinking for themselves. This has generated hopes — and fears — that the next generation of robots will be able to display signs of consciousness. But is all this just the stuff of science fiction?
Daniel Morley, Executive Committee member of the RCP, will answer these questions using the method of dialectical materialism — the philosophy of Marxism.
Speaker: Daniel Morley
Room: The Light
Bourgeois, liberal, and postmodern historians tend to reject the Marxist view that history is driven by material laws and processes. Some also reject the idea of progress as a whole as merely a ‘point of view’. To them, history is random, punctuated by exceptional individuals on whom the fate of human society turns. Why, then, do similar conditions result in similar events, outcomes, and characters reoccurring across history? Has there really been no progress between stone tools and spacecraft?
Josh Holroyd, leading member of the Revolutionary Communist International and editor of the In Defence of Marxism magazine, will introduce a discussion on this topic.
Speaker: Josh Holroyd
Room: Sarah Fell
After 12 years of upheavals, war, carnage and betrayals, the Haitian revolution of 1791 finally succeeded in abolishing slavery and achieved independence. It was the consequence and the prolongation of the French Revolution.
In this session, Keelan Kellegher, Central Committee member of the RCP, will introduce a discussion on the Haitian revolution and draw the lessons for revolutionaries today.
Speaker: Keelan Kellegher
Room: Hilda Clarke
Major floods, hurricanes, and wildfires are now commonplace across the globe, resulting in death and forced migration. In 2022, a wildfire even spread through Wennington in East London. It is clear that capitalism, with its insatiable pursuit of profit, is responsible not only for the destruction of millions of lives through exploitation and war, but the destruction of the planet itself.
In this session, Sarah Vedrovich, Central Committee member for the RCP, will discuss how capitalism is killing the planet, and why we need a revolutionary party capable of leading the charge for its overthrow.
Speaker: Sarah Vedrovich
Room: Ada Salter
Spurred on by the racist rhetoric of the Labour Party, and the Tories before them, fascist thugs staged beer-fuelled pogroms across the country, committing violent attacks against Muslim and Asian communities. In a show of strength, thousands of workers and youth chased them off the streets the following week. But victory in one battle does not mean and end to the war. To wipe the fascists away once and for all, we need to organise for the overthrow of the capitalist system.
Joe Russell, Executive Committee member for the RCP, will discuss what fascism is, and how to fight it.
Speaker: Joe Russell
Room: Benjamin Lay
The combined impact of the war, the pandemic, and inflation, on top of decades of imperialist exploitation, has left the world’s poorest nations buried in debt. Trade wars between China and the US/EU are back on the agenda, as shrinking markets send globalisation into reverse. All the while, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. This is preparing the ground for revolutionary explosions in one country after another.
In this session, Niklas Svensson, member of the International Secretariat of the RCI, will introduce a session on the state of world capitalism today, and the revolutionary implications that flow from it.
Speaker: Niklas Svensson
Room: The Light
Far from fuelling scientific progress, the profit motive and capitalist competition have become an enormous barrier to advancing humanity’s understanding of nature. Only a socialist plan can free science from these chains.
Ben Curry, leading member of the Revolutionary Communist International and editor of the In Defence of Marxism website, will discuss the crisis in science.
Speaker: Ben Curry
Room: Sarah Fell
While anarchism understands power in an idealist, abstract way, Marxism looks for a material understanding of where it comes from and how it is maintained, based on a concrete study of history.
In this talk Ellen Morton, Central Committee member of the RCP, will discuss the differences between anarchism and Marxism, and how we can fight against our common enemy: capitalism and the bourgeois state.
Speaker: Ellen Morton
Room: Hilda Clarke
The Bolshevik party was the first revolutionary party worth the name, basing itself on the granite foundation of Marxist theory. The history of the Bolsheviks – particularly the life and ideas of Vladimir Lenin – contains essential lessons to guide us in the struggle for revolution today.
In this session, Rob Sewell, author of In Defence of Lenin and member of the Executive Committee of the RCP, will discuss how Lenin built the Bolshevik party.
Speaker: Rob Sewell
Room: Ada Salter
13 years ago, without any organisation, programme, plan or preparation, the Arab masses, in the words of Marx, ‘stormed heaven’. In a matter of weeks they brought down regimes that decades of petitioning by NGO’s and academic do-gooders could not budge an inch. The colossal state-apparatus, employing hundreds of thousands of spies, police officers, and army personnel, could only watch as the masses took over the streets.
In the context of rising tensions across the Arab world, Lubna Badi, leading comrade of the Revolutionary Communist Party, will discuss the lessons from this exciting period of class struggle.
Speaker: Lubna Badi
Room: Benjamin Lay
Marx and Engels always stressed that theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action. We are entering into a period of heightened tension, war, and revolution. The objective conditions for the overthrow of capitalism already exist, and have for some time. What has been missing is a subjective factor — a revolutionary party. That needs to be built, there is work to be done.
Alan Woods will close the Congress with remarks about the weekend’s events, and the tasks for the Revolutionary Communist Party ahead.
Marx and Engels always stressed that theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action. We are entering into a period of heightened tension, war, and revolution. The objective conditions for the overthrow of capitalism already exist, and have for some time. What has been missing is a subjective factor — a revolutionary party. That needs to be built, there is work to be done.
Alan Woods will close the Congress with remarks about the weekend’s events, and the tasks for the Revolutionary Communist Party ahead.
The RCP, the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International, is working to establish a fighting, revolutionary party in Britain, as part of the struggle of the world working class, and we need your help!
There are tens of thousands of workers and youth who want to see an end to capitalism. They see that the world is on fire and are ready to fight to transform it.
The bankers, bosses, and politicians, on the other hand, are willing to sacrifice our health, housing, happiness, jobs, and the planet, just to protect their profits.
This has to end.
Those that claim revolution cannot happen today are thoroughly mistaken. The past few years alone prove how rapidly things can change. Climate crisis, pandemic, the cost of living, and now rising militarism and war has revealed the ugly face of capitalism: profits come before all else, including life itself.
Just as the imperialists sharpen their knives, we must sharpen our revolutionary theory — with this we can connect the anger in society to the task of overthrowing capitalism, and of building a society free poverty, exploitation, and war.